Rattlesnake Detection

 NCF is offering rattlesnake detection and removal services.

ATTENTION: Film Industry, Ranchers, Livestock owners, and anyone who owns or resides on large properties in rattlesnake territory

National Canine Facility has trained and deploys two rattlesnake detection canine teams. They are two of only four dogs in the world, all trained by NCF, to safely locate rattlesnakes for removal. Properly trained canines are able to efficiently cover large areas with difficult terrain to identify areas where rattlesnakes are residing. They consistently identify areas and locate snakes that are undetectable through traditional snake hunting methods. Please feel free to read about Noz’s career!

Handler / canine teams’ mission is to establish and maintain a secure area for your event or property. Our teams are deployable throughout the Unites States. Contact NCF to discuss custom snake-safety packages.


First rattlesnake detection / location / removal for our California clients

Rattlesnake Training - location, safe distance and reward.


How does it work?

Our teams have been trained to safely locate and remove snakes from your property, film set, or paddocks.

National Canine Facility Teams arrive on location and conduct an initial sweep of the entire property to identify possible areas that need further investigation. The canine teams are used to help narrow down the location of rattlesnakes that are most likely not visible to on-foot hunters. The canines work to pinpoint the location of the snake to within approximately 10-20 feet, after which the snake is removed by the handler and the canine is safely rewarded for a job well done.

This is particularly effective and efficient on large properties with difficult terrain features.

K9 Yak at work detecting rattlesnakes in California

K9 Yak at work detecting rattlesnakes in California

Read this Example from 2024 Deployments

Canine teams were deployed during the summer months on a 60 acre property in Southern California that consisted of wooded area, ravines, steep terrain and heavy tall grass cover. A snake fence has recently been installed surrounding the entire property. On day one there were three different areas identified by a canine where a rattlesnake was present but not visible. After ongoing work with the canines, the first snake was located, 250 yards away from the first canine alert, up a steep hill in tall grass cover. The second area identified was a small ravine adjacent to a guest parking lot. After an early indication from a canine and continued searching, the second snake was located on the lip of the ravine just inside the snake fence. Two more snakes were located on the property, several of which were breeding size. Over the course of three days the NCF canines were able to locate four rattlesnakes on a 60 acre, fenced property. This property would take weeks to thoroughly search by foot.

K9 Q at work detecting rattlesnakes in California

Map image showing where canines alerted, how the handler used terrain features and weather to narrow down the area, and where the snake was located: 250 yards from the initial alert.

Customize your snake detection plan today!